A Simple Doxology

a simple doxology

Do you know what a doxology is? It’s popularly sung as an old hymn, you might recognize the lyrics.

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow…Praise Him all creatures here below… Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts… Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost…A-men

The Bible says a doxology is simply a prayer of praise to God.

a simple doxology

There are days when I want to praise but my mental acuity is flatlining. Days where I try again and again to stop, focus, and praise him.

And it just doesn’t work.

Not that anything is wrong, per se. We all have these days, where we just keep starting to sit down for some quiet time. And realize we are staring out the window.

a simple doxology

We read one line of our devotional, and then “put peas on the grocery list” pops into our head. The invasive nature of our surrounding life appears to trump our ability to be still.

To focus on praise.

Isn’t it amazing that we don’t have to come up with clever hymns?

That God isn’t impressed just with our intense prayer sessions, but is, according to His very nature, pleased with our meager attempts?

 Because sometimes meager is the best we can do. 

a simple doxology

If you, like me, are stuck humbly (and let’s admit it, somewhat ashamed?) of offering the leanest of praise times…

Don’t stop trying.

a simple doxology

It doesn’t feel like enough. Too good to be true.

Maybe that is part of the lesson, that we do not have to be enough. Give enough. Focus enough.

We just have to come.

a simple doxology

Psalm 27:8 (NLT) My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.”    And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.”

Do you feel stuck in a rut and need more encouragement? Check out I am a sinner, but that doesn’t define me.


P.S. Listen to this beautiful rendition of the Doxology from Anthem LIghts featuring Selah

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