Do You Want To Feel Brave?

Do You Want To Feel Brave?

We know our names, stats, and even our roles in life.

What I want to ask you is…

Have you ever spent a period of seeking and listening to find out who you really are, in the deepest parts? The tiny closets where the dreams are stuffed and perhaps unrealized?

Good news! This can be your year. A year of becoming brave.

Becoming is defined as process of change. Did you know it also means suitable?

We have the design embedded in us already, direct from God’s hand,  something suitable that we find in the pursuit of change.

No longer will I live in fear of claiming a title, for fear critics will promptly discredit me.

Please, hear me when I shout to you, “You are who God created you to be, even in the process of becoming… You don’t need anyone else’s permission to be who you are.

In 2012 I decided to become a writer.

In 2013 I became a blogger.

In 2014 I plan to become an artist.

Do you want to feel brave and step outside your comfort zone?

2 Chronicles 15:7- “But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.” (NET)

3 questions to ask yourself

  1. Thinking as far back as possible, what class were you excited for in elementary school? Junior high? High school?
  2. What dreams were tucked away because no one expressed support or confidence in your skill?
  3. As an adult, are there inklings of things that bring you joy…even if just for a second of recognition?

Write these things down! Pray for wisdom and clarity. Ask trusted friends what they see in you, it might surprise you.


The forgotten passions

For me, I realized art was the subject I couldn’t wait for. Until recently I had forgotten classes in high school, the only ones I liked, were art. Life marched forward (and I married an Art!) and I lived and created yet never recognized my artistic spirit.

It is sort of laughable looking back. There were always seasons of creating, taking different forms. It surprises me now that I didn’t see that in myself until nearly 40, despite countless projects and enthusiastic pursuits.

This year I’ll be moving forward with less fear and more anticipation than ever before in my life.

There is an understanding of becoming as a beautiful, sometimes painful, process that is the foundation of our lives. I can’t wait to see where art takes me this year.

Do you want to feel brave? Are your dreams still privately tucked away, or out there for the world to notice? What is the scariest part of letting people know what makes you tick?


P.S. Incourage has a great article about having courage when you don’t feel brave here

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  1. A big sigh……been asking that question of God for 51 years now! I LOVE my real estate career, but there is something deep down that says….this isn’t it….that I was made for more, but what?? And, so I keep praying and asking…..

  2. Great questions and post!
    Life is a journey, it’s a process.
    I have two completely different college degrees that I don’t even us. But they have impacted who I am and God uses all my education to help me in various ways.l
    Look forward to reading about what God is doing in your life in 2014.
    Merry Christmas.

    1. I just told my senior daughter, not to panic about what to do for/if college. That most people our age aren’t doing anything they planned. Appreciate your comment

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