A grateful heart- 3 simple ways to cultivate an intentional perspective

A grateful heart- 3 simple ways to cultivate an intentional perspective


A grateful heart- 3 simple ways to cultivate an intentional perspective

I’ve always enjoyed creating a well-lived life.

When Martha Stewart hit the scenes, it was love at first sight. But usually, the complicity of projects and recipes left me a bit intimidated.

At the time I was a very young woman, barely even that. With little technical skill, but a creative spirit.


spools of bright ribbon


I found my own groove of home arts and creativity.

Several years ago, I found a tangible style that fit me just right. A Goldilocks epiphany of design. A connection to my heart that was unexpected.

All of those projects, those recipes, they were all part of a journey to living with intention.

They were increasingly connected moments –developing into a lifestyle.


child playing with blocks


What does it mean to cultivate gratitude?

Blogger Adriana Adarme of A Cozy Kitchen, released a book called The Year of Cozy.

I don’t think living a good life has to mean fancy things. Sometimes the internet and books can make us feel like we lack the essence of a sumptuous life. Pictures can appear a bit too perfect; food looks too good to eat—and that’s not what I’m after. To me, living a rich life means focusing on the minutiae, the seemingly small, insignificant moments that can pass us by if we don’t watch carefully.

I feel like she is speaking the language of my life, the purpose of my own blog~ surely, we’d be good friends. Both passionate about embracing the moments, instead of always insisting on viewing the big picture.


cozy cookbook shelf


How can I make my heart grateful?

Living cozy might not be your thing, but there are still bits of wisdom to take away from this perspective.

If you have followed my own blog for any amount of time, that aforementioned lifestyle development? It is all played out here.

The journey, documented and photographed. The questions without clear answers, the projects that worked and ones that didn’t, a life that progressed and regressed, the joy of finding beauty in the mundane.

The simple pleasure of ordinary.


frost covered fall leaves


 I am crazy passionate about not missing the moments. Cultivating an imperfect, Wabi Sabi life. Seeing the beauty in the imperfect.

We have the CHOICE to embrace the silly, the seemingly insignificant, the unexpected delays… and to inspect it all a bit further.


child's homemade bookmark


For my first 4 decades, the lifestyle of perspective has been a sort of training program. It is easy to begin. Start where you are and look around. At everything.

Something is there, in the right light, the right place, just for you to notice.  Touch things with the slow intent to really, truly notice their textures and colors and smells.


dew on dandelion


What does God say about a grateful heart?

The Bible has plenty of wisdom about cultivating gratitude. Here is one-

1 Thessalonians 5:18 Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Enjoy the moments. Embrace them. They are fleeting, so today is the perfect time to begin. Maybe you be blessed in your journey.

For the rest of my life?

I want to stay as authentically true to who I’ve learned I am. Spending those split seconds carefully. Cultivating the practice of gratitude that comes with this kind of intentional living.


sun setting on snow


What are simple ways to cultivate the attitude of gratitude?

Here are 3 super simple ways to adopt an attitude of gratefulness for your life:

  1. Allow time to appreciate the sensory experiences around you. A bird singing, children laughing in the neighborhood, water lapping at the edge of a pond, breeze flowing through the leaves. The smell of fresh grass as someone mows a lawn, dinner simmering on the stove. The physical touch of hugs and the warming embrace of a smile
  2. Embrace imperfection- eliminate the mental game of always trying to achieve the perfect balance of life. Do what you can, today. Allow plenty of grace to accept what IS instead of wishing for what ISN’T
  3. Create a list- what are you thankful for that seems so ordinary, you almost miss it? For example, a washing machine that saves hours of physical labor. Soft clean sheets at night. Food in the pantry. Be as precise as possible, including the big things, but also purpose to notice the most minute


attitude of gratitude quotes


Psalm 118:1a  Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good

Intentional doesn’t need to be a buzzword. Make it yours. Encouraging the pursuit of a well-lived, beautifully imperfect life.

Amen. That is the way to go.



Interested in resources about cultivating gratitude? Check these out for encouragement:

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