Is homeschooling worth it? Benefits of homeschooling and why I’d do it again

Is homeschooling worth it? Benefits of homeschooling and why I'd do it again

The benefits of homeschooling- is it worth it?

Today marks a significant milestone in our house. It is the last Monday, of our last week of homeschooling, with my last child.

The end. The beginning.

I have to be honest here, if you homeschool you already know, and if you are thinking about it? You should know. Homeschooling is not for sissies.

It can be exacting, thankless, and all-consuming.  But those are the sometimes. Like you have with any other days of parenting, or marriage, or life.

Yet, if I had to do it all again? I would jump at the chance. Without pause. Without question.


Should I homeschool my child?

Our oldest daughter was born with a speech delay, and though she was very smart, as school started she began to struggle with keeping up.  In 2nd grade, we moved to a small town in a new state.

A series of events made it clear that schools were going to label our child, and we knew she was so much more than that box.  So, we took her out as a temporary solution and brought her home.

This mama is a fighter, and I knew she deserved an environment where HER skillset could thrive and be encouraged.

I remembered one sweet friend who had homeschooled, and her girls had made such an impression on me. There was a local homeschool group in this small town, so they took me under their wings and our new life began.

The temporary solution became a beautiful lifestyle we didn’t even know existed (this was in the early 2000’s, when homeschooling was still a bit under the radar and not as widely accepted).

Our family was captivated at the peace and delight that ruled out home without all the rules of the schools.

This girl who struggled? She THRIVED in the biggest and best way possible, being able to learn in the style that was appropriate for her. Oh, how she shined!

It was natural to follow suit with our youngest child, and these girls loved their homeschooling life.

“Home-based education is not an experiment. It’s how people learned to function in the world for centuries. And there’s no reason to think people today can’t do the same thing.” -Wendy Priesnitz



homeschooling quotes


celebrate homeschooling milestones

Homeschooling is something I am proud of.

Even more, it is something I am humbled and grateful for the chance to have experienced.

God took the best I had to offer, which sometimes seriously lacked, and made something beautiful.

The millions of extra moments to experience life in a rich, exciting, and deeply satisfying way is a gift.

Not just to my children, but to me.

 “Homeschooling is not a race to the finish line. It’s a journey of a million small discoveries that lead you along the path God has marked out for you.” -Jeannie Fulbright

homeschooling quotes


Homeschooling requires sacrifice

My husband deserves a thousand rounds of thanks for all the times I fretted over doing it right, doing it well… the frustrating sting of failure behind each stinging teardrop.

For the times homeschool came at the expense of our own relationship.

If you are in the throes? May I earnestly plead with you to put your marriage back in the first place?

It is hard to know where the line is, parenting requires sacrifice.

The kids do grow up, and it’ll be harder to rekindle something that could have been stoked all along.

Homeschooling IS an amazing gift for our children, and our families.  However, this is one area we have to learn to keep in the right balance.


homeschooling quotes



Homeschooling was definitely worth it

So that’s all folks. My 14 years as a homeschooling mom, and in a few months, as a mom of kids at home!

I am learning to look great anticipation to the next chapter. My story is not even close to being done in its writing. These were many chapters, wonderful and treasured chapters.

Who knows what the next page will tell?

Today, let’s end the journey for me, by encouraging you. Because it is important to reiterate that with all the work, the joy far outweighed the sacrifice.


2 timothy 4:7 quotes

I would homeschool all over again, this time with the gift of a mentor. I hope in some small way you’ll find that here…

If there is a topic you have questions on, leave a comment and we can talk about it! Here is a great post from Homeschool Life about suggestions for the next chapter.

You will not reap the fruit of individuality in your children if you clone their education.” -Marilyn Howshall

Don’t feel as though you are alone in this! I know how that feels, to have zero support and heavy criticism on all sides.

Stay strong, do what’s right for your family. We are reaping the joy in our little harvest. The bounty is so sweet.



P.S. Can I just tell you that all the worries, were largely a waste of time?  I am adding this addendum a few years later. Both girls are capable, courageous adults doing their own thing. Not a one of those concerns mattered in the big picture.

As imperfect as I might have been, as many difficult things as our family went through, they are fine. More than fine, they are living abundantly ♥. Don’t let fear stop you, mama, you’ve got this!

P.S. If you are just thinking about how to start homeschooling, read this post

Homeschool resources I recommend

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  1. I absolutely loved this! Thank you for encouraging me here and on Facebook!! That line about the last Londay of the last week of homeschool ever….I’ve only just begun my journey last month and still it brought out the tears! Kudos to you for doing the job God has led you to do and for these next chapters that lie ahead!!

    1. What an exciting journey you are embarking on Kay! Girl, it brought me tears to write it too~. I honestly would do it again and again. Easy? Nope. BUT the flexibility of the lifestyle and how impacts the closeness of your family was worth every single tear (mine, checking math homework ;). Stick with it and don’t let anyone tell you it is a bad idea. There is so much more support than there was when I started, have you found a nice community? One day at a time sister.

      Can I share with you that the biggest waste of time in all those years was the WORRYING that I’d miss or mess something up? Waste. You’ll find a nice rhythm that works for seasons, and then you can change again. Not being locked in (mentality) of “we paid for this, we are NEVER changing” can be a joy sucker. Bless you on your adventure. If you ever would like to see a homeschool question covered, message me on the contact page and I’ll try to help!~

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