Menu planning for beginners- 6 reasons why planning ahead can make life easier

Menu planning for beginners- 6 reasons why planning ahead can make life easier

Menu planning for beginners

When the kids schedules kick into gear, and the fall activities resume, life can get chaotic for mamas. This summer included a few hours well spent to provide peace in the fall. I planned out 30 whole days of meals and took inventory of my freezers.

We cleaned out the fridge. Reorganized the pantry to make the most sense. It was a hassle, BUT a powerful exercise.  Why spend precious summer days in this way?

6 reasons to do menu planning

  1. Eliminates stress. Too many nights end in frustration, as if dinner is a surprise attack.  Oh no, it is 5 o’clock already? We need to eat dinner again? I don’t want to waste any more brainpower in the “Oh No” mode. Peace is in the planning
  2. Advance prep for busy weeks. It is easy to grab the calendar and mark out the days that are extremely full. For example, Mondays we will be gone all day. Officially slated as crockpot days. Having company on the 18th? Great! Time to plan ahead without running to the store (which usually means spending more than budgeted)
  3. Less food wasted. It sickens me to think how much poverty there is, and I am throwing food away. This category of waste also includes the Yikes, I didn’t know this was back there! gross factor
  4. Difficult financial times accounted for. Planning means using what we have, buying what we need. My list was substantially tighter by looking at the freezer list first, then  thinking long-term as in “what can be used for this or that again?”
  5.  Peace of mind. There is something comforting to me about having food set aside. Perhaps it is the sheer privilege of ability. Factor in the rewarding feeling of money well-managed. The gratitude component, being extremely thankful that right now, today, we are abundantly provided for and ready to share with others. Let this not be lost on us
  6. Hospitality is set to go! Having a plan means you are ready for spontaneity without stress. Ironic, yes?

It seemed overwhelming at first, but these few hours of time investment have just taken away one piece of the Fall Frenzy… and paved the way one step closer to intentional, peaceful homemaking.

Give it a try and let me know what you find, that I can try!


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  1. Christa, Can you share on your blog some of your recipes and menus? How do make your plans? I think lots of people would be interested in this. I always am! I am most impressed with this entry and your planning! 🙂 Peace, indeed!

  2. Hi Christa,

    So nice to read your blog and find out how you and your family are doing 🙂
    I’ve been wanting to meal plan for the last 4 years (ever since we moved up to Oregon) and just haven’t had the discipline to do it. I used to do it in California while homeschooling. It helped me/us so much!

    Please do post some of your recipes and menus as requested by Crystal. Thanks so much for the inspiration and motivation to get this done now before the fall comes and the kids go back to school.

    I love reading your writing!

    Love you & miss you!

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