Moms need a break because supermom is a myth

Moms need a break because supermom is a myth

Moms need a break because supermom is a myth

I am done. I need a break.  I can’t do this another minute without falling apart.

You are not alone Mamas. You are not the worst mom, or the most neglectful wife, or the one friend who can’t do it right.

Not even close.

Truth is? You are doing something amazing, but the fog of fatigue can be thick.  Regret over our own temper flares weighs us down as we feel lost in the storm.

 Fear of failure makes our vision dim as we peer into the future. 

candle burning during bible reading

Overcome mom guilt for needing a break

Motherhood is an amazing job. I LOVE it, it’s pretty much the most awesome thing I’ve ever done.  But, it is an equally challenging role.

It is so normal to feel disorientated as we head through the chaos life brings.

There is a solution to this feeling of overwhelm. Quiet time.

Before the gazillion reasons start flooding your brain of what why that is impossible, know that I feel you. I hear your heart. I have been that mom too.

 Rest isn’t optional, it is a gift of sanity restoration. 

pile of exercise dvds

Is it ok to need a break as a mom?

I invite you to go back and read Part 1 of this trio of posts dedicated to Mama’s Time-Out (and discover how to find a rest in the chaos that is life).

Dive into  Why Do We Fight The Rest?   Part 2 will cover the Case For Investing In Quiet Time, and Part 3 will offer you plenty of Practical How-To’s.

Remember there are no set standards, no “right ways” to rest. If five minutes is all you can do? Heck, we all know the power of just taking a deep breath.

Come into this thought process of claiming rest with curiosity. Not expectations.

The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”- Exodus 33:14

Moms need a break quotes

What can moms do to take a break?

  • Undisputably high cost of ignoring our need- When we are run down, it affects the rest of our lives, not just mothering.  Everything we are involved in is woven together. We simply can’t sustain the go go go pace, without consequences
  • Cliché oxygen mask is true- On airplanes, the attendants tell us to put the mask on ourselves before our children. We need to sustain our own life source. We can’t give what we don’t have. (Check out Moms & Motherhood Pinterest board, where I collect powerful encouragement). Peaceful homes are difficult to come by when we don’t have peace ourselves. Get in that quiet space, and make it happen. Consider it vital to the heartbeat of your home
  • Recharge to be a better wife, mother, friend- Maybe next week? Next month? Ugh. The years FLY by and those relationships we value need to be invested in now. That isn’t to say your season allows for tons of extra, but the more you can infuse rest into your spirit? Letting God provide you with peace? It automatically creates a more generous spirit that overflows into our other relationships. It is a win/win
  • Letting it out helps us to let it go- Kids throw tantrums, and I believe God can handle it is we do too. In private. If anxiety is a struggle for you, check out this post by Sarah Koontz.   It speaks to the heart of a struggling woman
  • Lastly, we are setting an example for our daughters- Someday we will look at our own daughters, as women, and tell them they are doing too much. Working too hard. Not being kind to their body. They might give us all the same excuses we would use today. But we have an opportunity! To teach them in the way we hope they’ll go, that they will find God…peace…in the rest.  Do we want to leave a legacy of poor self-care? I am afraid I made this mistake and I don’t want you to

Greatest heartache AND closeness to God can come in those moments of brokenness. He is a gentle healer, and is FOR us, not judging us. James 4:8 says “Draw near to me and I will draw near to you”.  Ask him for peace and ways to grow,  he will answer.

Ask him for peace and ways to grow,  he will answer. I too have had those moments, days, months…when I just wanted to crawl into my closet and hide.




Maybe that is why I loved the movie Mom’s Night Out so much. It is so real.

Moms require a break to restore

Pinterest moms only show you the best. As a writer, I know the work behind the scenes that goes into those posts. Supermom doesn’t exist.

Strive to be content being a pretty good mom. Because that is the best mom! Stop beating yourself up! You are doing more than you know.

In reality, I can speak from the perspective of being where you might be today, and looking back from where I am as a new empty nester.

Supermom is a myth {and why you really need a time out}

Our next and final post, Part 3, will give you lots of practical ideas on making this rest a reality. Until then, if no one else is telling you?

I want you to know I am proud of you. If you are reading this post? You want to find rest.

Getting up is sometimes a true struggle. Not to mention, it isn’t easy to navigate life’s challenges and parent at the same time. Go easy on yourself today.

You are a rock star.

Resources to encourage moms who need a break:

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