An open letter to the woman feeling defeated

An open letter to the woman feeling defeated

Dear Woman who feels “less than”,

Perhaps today you feel like a loser. A bad mom. A nagging wife. Ugly. Stupid. Lazy. Defeated.

I am sorry you have learned to believe the lies. The damaging statements that play repeatedly through your head.

They ARE lies.

You might not recognize that yet, and my heart aches for you.

I’ve been there, and what I want you to know? Every woman I know has been there at some point.  No woman needs to stay there.

It is time to retrain your thinking and recognize the power of words.

Especially the words we tell ourselves. Or that someone else has damaged us with.

What we need to do is realize that words can heal us or destroy us.

Every time we repeat the defeating words in our mind, we lose a part of our best self.

Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit- you choose (Proverbs 18:21)

How do I stop feeling defeated?

Here is an idea to combat those words that don’t give life. Create a special list for your eyes only, that offer thanks for who God has made you to be.

Inspired through One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, this list is also one of blessings.

Changing the words of ugliness to celebration will be a tremendous, life-changing blessing.  A sweet note of encouragement; a love letter to yourself.

black and white typewriter

Every day (develop the practice, it matters) list at least one thing to be thankful for about yourself.

As women, we are too often influenced to look at ourselves negatively.

We begin as young girls questioning our value and learning to criticize our perceived flaws.

Never underestimate the power words have over us. We are directed to seek guidance about our words. That includes the ones we internalize, directed our own person!

Write a love letter to yourself

Your special list helps combat the lies and replace them with truth.

The list will grow and your needs will change. But one thousand words will give way to more. This intimate love letter to yourself will always be there to reference.

Take a small composition book and begin with something easy:

  • I am thankful for the ability to hold my children
  • I can problem-solve with new ideas
  • I gave the kids a bath today, even though tired

It can list your physical attributes (ex. My eyes are pretty, my hair is soft, etc). that perhaps you’ve heard from others.

love letter to yourself quotes

And ladies? It is ENTIRELY ok to appreciate things about yourself.

 Vanity is different than thanking God for his artistry. ]

It can list the most basic of accomplishments (ex. Fed the kids’ lunch. Didn’t lose my temper when he threw that toy at brother).

Consequently, you can learn to see yourself in your entirety, not for singular perceived flaws.

Stop thinking you’re not good enough and replace those lies

You do a TON of things that are gratitude-worthy every single day.

The mundane is where we sometimes forget to be grateful.

As an “older” mom, I (and my friends) look back and marvel that we did so much and felt such a struggle. It really will all work out. That just might not be visible yet.

No doubt there will still be hard times. However, in those moments, I encourage you to look for any sliver of beauty. Especially relevant, write those moments down. This will be your love letter to yourself.

Altogether true and uniquely you.

“When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. And when life is bitter, say thank you and grow.” ― Shauna Niequist, Bittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace, and Learning the Hard Way

feeling defeated quotes

Don’t give up, you are an overcomer

Lastly, when you really can’t think of think about yourself to be grateful for?

Find a scripture that reminds you of how God sees you.

You are beautifully made. Wonderfully.

List those and practice retraining your thoughts to see yourself as a Child of God.

Not only a powerful woman…. but a nurturer, caregiver, jack of all trades, beautiful and treasured woman.

Psalm 141:3  Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips.

Resources to help your peace of mind:

Peace with the Psalms: 40 Readings to Relax Your Mind and Calm Your Heart

Find Peace: A 40-day Devotional Journey For Moms

Fierce Faith: A Woman’s Guide to Fighting Fear, Wrestling Worry, and Overcoming Anxiety

The Hard Good: Showing Up for God to Work in You When You Want to Shut Down

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I do/would use myself. This post may contain affiliate links that at NO additional cost to you, may earn me a small commission to help support this blog. Read full privacy policy here.

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  1. Welcome Bethany, thank you for considering giving it a go. Have you tried something like this before? Praying it will be as impactful for you as it was for me. Blessings, Christa

  2. Love, LOVE, love this!!!
    What a wonderfully creative, and powerful tool!
    The words we tell ourselves can be defeating, devastating, and destructive. We weren’t meant to entertain such lies.
    Thank you for this important message!
    So beautifully written! ❤️

  3. Retraining our thoughts – oh goodness yes. It’s truly about that, isn’t it? God’s truth remains just that: true! A battle in this area reared its head this morning due to a hard parenting moment. Timely. xo ~ from another Grace Girl.

    1. The great news Kristi, is that we are equipped to fight! Bless you in the battle, I look forward to hearing how God uses this in your story

  4. For real needed this today! Thank you for your words. You’re so right- we’re trained to see our flaws as larger than our gifts. Going to start working on retraining my mind through love notes to myself! Then I’ll have ammunition to fight back against the lies of the enemy and my own mind. I hope that these comments are giving you something to add to YOUR list! Your words are encouraging and making a difference in women’s lives!

  5. Beautiful reminder to be good to ourselves! I love this reminder, “Find a scripture that reminds you how God sees you.” Thank you for brightening my day!

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