the daily routines of creatives – what feels right for you?

the daily routines of creatives - what feels right for you?

the daily routines of creatives

Have you ever wondered about your daily habits, and how they compare with those around you?  My daily routines are varied, but my sleep and creativity spurts are predictable.

I am a night owl.

No matter HOW I try to convert myself to an earlier riser, the fact is, you don’t want me to be an early riser. That lady (and I use that term very loosely) is a different beast. Emphasis on the beast.

She also is definitely, absolutely, NOT creative as a morning person. Unfortunately, it lasts the whole day. How about you?

If I allow my body to follow its natural patterns, my best creativity flow is between 11’ish in the a.m. until about 4:30 p.m. It will come as a second wind around 11 pm (generally after I crawl into bed and try to sleep) and lasts until around 1:30 a.m.

Then, I would sleep from around 3 a.m. until 8 a.m.  On a good day.

Sleeping isn’t my forte. Since I had a car accident several years ago though, my central nervous system never fully recovered and I work hard to attempt a midnight bedtime.

Even that though? Requires a necessary, serious routine that begins hours earlier to calm down enough to have any chance of success. The cost is too high otherwise.

When you are a mom, or in the business world, or a gazillion other scenarios—the world doesn’t jive with this schedule. Things still get planned for mornings. Hmmph.

Check out this interesting chard of the Daily Routines of Creatives and see how it aligns with you!

What is the best daily routine for you?

Are you a night owl or early bird by nature? How does that fit into your daily routines?

Podio says, “The brain functions differently at various times of the day. Studies show that early risers tend to be good at making plans, while those who work late into the night enjoy more divergent thinking.”

There isn’t one right or wrong way.

Celebrate your uniqueness, and as much as possible, incorporate your natural rhythms into your schedule.

I’ve always admired Dickens, but I am glad we don’t work together. He might not appreciate my gifts of procrastination and 11th-hour enthusiasm.

“I never could have done what I have done without the habits of punctuality, order, and diligence, without the determination to concentrate myself on one subject at a time.” –CHARLES DICKENS  

One subject at a time though to concentrate on? He is my long-lost mentor. Plus, he knew how to rock the leisure parts of life! Quite right my good man.

I wonder, if we followed our natural rhythms for a set time, only planning things around THEM, how our lives would be?

A distinct advantage for me is the closeness I feel to the Lord in the dark hours. The peacefulness that settles in.

The Psalmist who wrote verse 119:55 says, “At night I remember your name, O LORD, and I follow your teachings.”

Yeah, me too. It rocks.

Your turn! If you had a Perfect schedule, what would it look like?


P.S. Want to read more about building routines? Check these out:

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  1. I’m definitely about a 10 AM to 4 PM and then 9-2 AM person. I’m split-schedule. I’ve had jobs before where I had to get up at 5:30 in the AM and go to bed early, but it’s not preference.

    I’m not sure I agree with the proactivity, though, as I do set goals and accomplish them, but not maybe at a face-and-furious pace.

    1. Isn’t amazing how different we can all be in regards to productivity? I am sort of a split shift, mentally, too

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