Life lessons from Forrest Gump

Life lessons from Forrest Gump

Remember when Forest Gump told us that life was like a box of chocolates? I think he was on to something.

I am that person who gets a box of chocolate and wants to pierce the bottom of each one, testing to see if the flavor is a favorite. Or, one that I don’t want to eat.

My life is a beautiful ornate box, delicate details carved into the case. Filled with the sweetest treats.

Like every variety box, there does remain a few pieces that I would rather toss out.

There have been times where forced a bite into a piece that about gagged me. No time to carefully test it, I had to bite right in.

To a flavor I hate.

The one surprising thing Forest Gump got right

Life isn’t always sweet, but there is goodness to be found

A situation was thrown into my life box I did not want to taste.

It was bitter, leaving an aftertaste I might not be able to wash out. I am not the only one who got that flavor.

Your box might house the contaminated piece as well. Our stomachs sharing the roiling of emotions that only we can taste. It is hard to swallow.

Even as I swallow, gag, and force it down- I ask God to show me the sweetness in it.

That I would take note of the almost imperceptible notes of sweetness surrounding the icky middle.

“You have to do the best with what God gave you.” – Mrs. Gump

The one surprising thing Forest Gump got right

Chocolate boxes hold things we don’t want, too

The things we want to reject offer lessons we might just need. I will eat this piece, and then I will not fear taking another.

Those pieces of life that are so distasteful to us, with time, often show us another layer we missed the first time. 

Those pieces of life that gag us, will surely give us a greater appreciation for the ones we hold onto tightly. Greedily.

Used to be that I would just toss those pieces in the garbage. Unwilling to partake.

Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you- Romans 8:18

I still don’t savor them, but I wait. For the forthcoming flavors, the ones that remind me how precious and beautiful and overflowing with sensory delight all the other pieces are.

This is my box. Every piece.

You can choose many of the flavors in life, but not all.  We all have a custom-designed package. It will contain a variety of experiences.

If one is difficult to swallow, don’t stop chewing.

The next one might just be the sweetest one you’ll ever know.

Resources to encourage you:

The Contentment Journal

Calm My Anxious Heart: A Woman’s Guide to Finding Contentment

Fight Your Fears: Trusting God’s Character and Promises When You Are Afraid

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