Simple ideas to celebrate advent

Simple ideas to celebrate advent

Simple ideas to celebrate advent

Advent used to mean little me,  except as part of the liturgical calendar in my Episcopalian upbringing. But I remember, with longing, the simple ways to celebrate Advent that made Christ the focus of Christmas.

As I grew in my own faith, the importance of stopping to ponder and prepare hearts in celebration of Christ’s birth took on a new meaning.

Not a denominational view, but a personal longing.

One definition of the word advent announces the arrival of a notable person.  Beginning the 4th Sunday before Christmas, it is a special way to refocus our minds away from the hullabaloo of commercialism.

Christmas has lost its meaning for us because we have lost the spirit of expectancy. We cannot prepare for an observance. We must prepare for an experience.” Handel Brown

Our celebrations have been geared toward less focus on ourselves, and spending time teaching our kids to focus on what Christ is about. Not just 4 Sundays of preparation, or archaic church activities.

Just thoughtful time to slow down and turn off the outside noise.

No easy task when we are surrounded by other traditions that we genuinely enjoy. Yet, they do take time and my time is limited.

What do the 4 candles of Advent symbolize?

For me, it is becoming ever more important to choose to focus on Jesus. This is why Advent has become precious in my life. The word in Latin simply means “coming”. Jesus is coming into the world.

Some years we get it “right” and some years are total and utter flops.

But we keep coming back, drawing nearer to the reverence Jesus deserves.

If Advent is a new thing for you, it is helpful to understand the 4 themes.  Usually, there is a wreath with 4 candles. 3 purple and 1 pink.   Sometimes there is a white one in the center.

Each of the weeks following Thanksgiving, and preceding Christmas on Sundays, a candle is lit as a symbolic representation of the Christian faith.

When people observe Advent, they are dedicating a portion of time to prepare their hearts for Christmas and remember the true meaning. The candles mean:

  • 1st to symbolize expectation
  • 2nd to symbolize hope
  • 3rd to symbolize joy
  • 4th to symbolize purity
  • If there is a white one in the center, that is to symbolize Christ. This would be lit on Christmas Eve/ or day, to remind us that Jesus is the light of the world.

You may find other decorative setups in an Advent wreath, but this gives a beginner the basic ideas of the “why” behind the candles.

(you can click here to see examples of candles and the candle rings)

candles glowing in the dark

How to celebrate Advent as a family

If celebrating Advent is new to you, any of these books by Arnold Ytreeide would be popular if you have children. We have used each one–more than once.

Don’t underestimate older kids liking the read-aloud time!

The stories are well-written, captivating, and historically based (which can be raw, might preview for your youngest). I’m delighted these came back into print. Each main character has an intersection in their life with the birth of Jesus.

Check out your local retailer, you REALLY want to be prepared to start on time. The story runs each day of the month and can be hefty reading if you fall way behind.

Really, I can’t speak highly enough of them.

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself. This post may contain affiliate links that at NO additional cost to you, may earn me a small commission to help support this blog. Read full privacy policy here.

(Click on the image for more information)

Suggestions For Celebrating Advent

Suggestions For Celebrating Advent

Suggestions For Celebrating Advent

celebrating advent as a family

Another popular one for families is by Lisa Whelchel; The ADVENTure of Christmas. She does a relatable collection of explaining the “whys” in our celebrations.

Personal ways to celebrate Advent

For personal time,  consider a few long-time favorites that really help you quiet your heart in preparation and teach us why celebrating Advent is a gift!

The Wonder of Christmas by Daniel Partner and Why the Nativity?  by David Jeremiah.

The shelves are becoming heavy with beautiful Advent offerings. This year, a new book gifted to me will be Honest Advent, have you heard of it?

Celebrate Advent quotes

For personal study, I’ll be doing some Bible journaling, and basing it on the story of Christ’s coming.

Finally, the Advent candle will be a sweet reminder on our table. I invested in a holder that points out what each color represents. Do what your budget allows! Dollar store candles are just as beautiful.

Remember, there is no “requirement” to observe Advent in the Christian faith, but instead, it is a beautiful invitation to come and sit and remember. It is a gift…

“Take time to be aware that in the very midst of our busy preparations for the celebration of Christ’s birth in ancient Bethlehem, Christ is reborn in the Bethlehems of our homes and daily lives. Take time, slow down, be still, be awake to the Divine Mystery that looks so common and so ordinary yet is wondrously present.” –Edward Hays, A Pilgrim’s Almanac

Do you have any Advent traditions in your family? Are you interested in starting one? 


P.S. Sometimes relationships can make the holidays feel HARD. If you hate family gatherings and need some tips? Check out this post. Plus, Advent is a wonderful balm to an anxious heart at Christmas.

Advent books to enjoy

New to me this year:

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  1. Thanks for sharing this. I like the thought of taking some time off and apart from all the buzz and excitement of the season to reflect on the real reason and the story behind The Advent.
    May you and yours also find the peace that was intended for this season.

  2. It is such a hectic time of year, seems like the meaning of Christmas is totally lost on many people. Thanks for this reminder as well as some lovely ways to anticipate and celebrate the birth of Christ with your family.

    1. Thank you! It can certainly get lost on me too, the true meaning if I’m not intentional. The hustle and bustle are fun but can be distracting from the point 😉

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