Watered down christianity- don’t sugarcoat the gospel

Watered down christianity

Church has changed my life. Mostly, this is a positive.

The familial bond in a body of Christ is incomparable. Love lived out. My life is living testament to the power of change: my hurts transformed into something tangibly seen as beautiful.

I am not who I was, I am more- and I credit this to the teachings of the church. Without them, my understanding of who Jesus is would be diminished.

Sometimes, tragically, a costly omission of truths hinders us. Stunting our spiritual growth. Lessening our potential impact for lack of knowledge.

I hesitate to speak out against the “church”, nervous my words would be twisted and marred by those who oppose my beliefs.

I mean exactly what I say, infer nothing more.

 The church sometimes leaves out truths, I fear, in an effort to be relatable.  

watered down christianity quotes

We need truth not watered down gospel

I have been a Christian for a long time, and still, I learn new things.

Yet, I understand why people might feel disheartened after attending services.

Where is the impact?

The church shouldn’t be a place we all come for a feel-good experience only.  It is not a morning concert to entertain us.

Life is passing me by.

I don’t have time for shallow religious experience; I want God. Powerful, almighty, impactful God. The God of the Bible.

Hellfire and damnation is not the God of the Bible. A softy God that bends to our whims to just be our buddy, doesn’t seem accurate either. People need to know the whole picture.

What is the best way to study the Bible?

Open it :). One easy way is to use the SOAP method, check it out here

To fully experience the deepest possible growth and relationship with Him, we have to know who He is, and what His word says.

There is no need to come to church to sit and scratch our heads, wondering if there was any message at all in the attempts to be all things to all people.

My hat is off to the leaders of our churches, it is no easy task-this call to preach.  I am thankful for you, and I ask you to not grow weary in doing good.

Do not weaken your resolve to preach truth, as the Bible speaks it to a hungering world.


Resources to study your bible:

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  1. Christa,
    Some might be offended by what you say. Here’s what I say — PREACH IT GIRL!

    I love this thought, and the risk you took in putting it out there. Truth is, some churches do shy away from preaching the hard words of God. They misrepresent Him in order to be more friendly to those seeking God. I have often wondered how changing the message or heart of God feels like anything other than a bait and switch to those who are drawn to the seeker-friendly church.

    As a fellow writer, I would say this to you: Keep bringing it like this, Christa! We all need to be reminded of what it means to write something that might feel scary. Thanks for being a model of risky writing

  2. Christa, I’m a pastor’s wife and I can tell you… You hit the nail right directly on the head!

    Your words brought this passage to my mind.
    2 Timothy 4:1-5
    (1) I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
    (2) Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
    (3) For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
    (4) And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
    (5) But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

    This is what is happening in many of our churches today. This is also why there are so many small churches. People don’t want to listen to the truth. Sadly most are just looking for a social club under the guise of Christianity.

    I wish more church members had the heart you have.

    Keep speaking the truth even if it seems scary. Someone might just listen. But if they refuse to listen, they won’t be able to look at you and say, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  3. Preach on sister. I left a church that only told people what they wanted to hear. That church was broken beyond repair. Now I go to a church that teaches hard beautiful truth.

  4. Yes, preach it, sister! Some of the fastest growing churches in America are those that teach only the “good stuff” a “prosperity gospel.” I agree with Anastacia – it reminds me of the passage in 2 Timothy.

    I grew up with a distorted view of God, thinking that He was waiting for me to “mess up” so that He could swat me with a big fly swatter (or worse). Thankfully, I now attend a church that teaches the truth.

  5. Since the church consists of people and is not the building itself, then any success or failure rests upon the individual members of the group. Yes, God expects us to “hear” (those who have ears, hear), but how many people aren’t even listening? Too many Christians are not separating themselves unto “good works”. Instead, they are conforming to the elements of this world; hence, the world is seeping into the church and hindering its effectiveness. “We” are responsible for ourselves, to carry out that which scriptures have set out for us. Sadly, this is becoming a minority.

  6. Christa,
    Thanks for posting this. The church is Jesus’s bride. It’s hard to understand those who say they love Jesus, but hate his wife. The church is important and as a pastor of a church, I fully appreciate your thoughtful approach to the troubling matter of the weakening of the church.

    The ideal for the church is to be what you expressed when you said that “The familial bond in a body of Christ is incomparable. Love lived out.” And I think that is mostly true of the church.

    However, the difficult thing to watch is the inoculation that occurs when local bodies of the church universal choose to veil the whole truth in order to draw crowds or remain popular, or whatever the motive. And even worse, it’s painful to witness leaders, like the recent one in Chicago, abuse people in the name of Jesus and mar the church’s testimony and influence.

    Yet, even still, we need the church–a healthy, balanced expression of the church. It is the hands and feet of Jesus to a lost and hurting world.

    Thanks again for posting. Great thought!

  7. Don’t ever be nervous to state the Truth even when it points out flaws in the Church. Everything you said is right on target, and I am so glad you were brave enough to put it out there!! Thank you, Friend!

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