Cultivate Gratitude in life- 4 easy ways to start

Cultivate Gratitude in life- 4 easy ways to start

Cultivate Gratitude in life- 4 easy ways to start

Have you ever struggled with desiring something just out of reach?

In the book of Genesis, we are introduced to a woman who understood being dissatisfied with having plenty, yet wanting more. As the breeze tickled the tree leaves, green with possibility, Eve craved more. Consequences showed how bitter the illusion of “more” was.

What we might miss, is how this temptation affected her mindset. And what makes her so relatable to our modern lives.

Eve had an abundance of blessings, but there was just this one thing… and she was so curious, tempted.

It was costly for her to believe the anxious whispers of dissatisfaction.

“When you focus on what you don’t have or on situations that displease you, your mind becomes darkened. You take for granted life, salvation, sunshine, flowers, and countless gifts from Me. You look for what is wrong, and refuse to enjoy life until that is “fixed.” Jesus Calling (April 6)

So, what is that thing for you…the one that steals the joy from your days? That makes life feel incomplete?

Why is gratitude important in life?

For me, it has been a fight with frustration.

This year was so full of grand plans, exciting leaps into good health, the time to write my first book.

Clearly, the year isn’t over, there is still time for those things! Yet…

Repeated bouts of sicknesses started the year off, and as I finally gained momentum, a car accident stole my progress. A screaming concussion made writing impossible. Things came to a standstill.

It has been awe-inspiring, humbling and filled me with overwhelming gratitude to survive that accident so well.

My spirits delight as I hear the singing wind chimes and the busy chatter of the birds; feeling the cool air in my windows, and the occasional waft of a perfumed lemon blossom. Even the luxury of unspoken for time, to recover without distraction.

Yet, I’m so very human

It is easy to fixate on those things just out of my grasp.

Bike riding. Hiking (while the sage-smelling desert is still pleasant). Physical joys.

Decorating. Creating. Sending heartfelt notes. Emotional pleasures.

Writing. Blogging. Photography pursuits. Business and mental outlets.

Call the whaaaambulance, right?

In spite of my countless blessings, I grow impatient with my progress.

Do you know what the antidote is for dissatisfaction? Gratitude.

When we are tempted to get stuck focusing on the stuff that we can’t have, the things out of our control, that is part of our humanity. In other words, let’s not get stuck on feeling guilty that ingratitude crept in.

God is always generous of spirit, completely aware of our tendencies to wander. We are forgiven, and all we have to do is turn around our attitude and choose the other direction!

How do you show gratitude in life?

  1. For every whiny thought, replace it with a truth. For example, I just can’t do anything right… replace that with more realistic 2-3 things you are good at. We, each and every one of us, have an AWESOME repertoire of unique gifts. Celebrate them, and our circumstances (Colossians 3:15)
  2. Give thanks for the ordinary. Look around and really notice the background fabric of life. Do you see flowers? Hear the chatter of birds? The laughter of children? The smell of fabric softener of the swish of a washing machine? The little stuff is the BIG stuff because it is so simple to find an abundance of blessings. The simple delights are geared just to our very own preferences. God knows that, so let’s thank Him (Psalm 100:1-5)
  3. Choose surroundings with wisdom. We are easily influenced! If we hang out with complainers, or if we watch depressing TV shows, we will have unnecessary barriers to celebrating the day with joy.  Ditch the depressants (Ephesians 5:15-21)
  4. Give, and give some more. Offering ourselves, in whatever capacity we can, not only blesses the recipient. It blesses us! Because when we have too much free time to focus on our lack, it cultivates an attitude of “me”. Of selfishness.  Giving is a joy booster, every time (Philippians 4:12-13)

Gratitude as an art form

We don’t want to miss out on our incredible, beautiful, messy lives for time wasted on complaining.

Today is the perfect day, the ideal hour, for us to stop and take a breath. Set our minds on finding the good. Imagine our days as a treasure hunt, where each corner holds potential.

Cultivating gratitude is an art form, of the highest worthiness of pursuit.

Let’s pursue it.

Here is a free printable bookmark I’ve made for you today. A reminder that good is to be seen, and celebrated.

Click here  to download, and take it along this week!

gratitude quotes bookmark

Resources to cultivate gratitude:

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  1. I love this post! This has been on my heart for a while after reading Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts. We have to PURSUE it! Man, it is such a challenge, but opening our eyes to the gifts God has given us truly leads to a fulfilling life. Thank you! <3

  2. Wonderful words of wisdom, Christa. I loved your perspective of Eve longing for more even though she was surrounded by perfection. And yes, it definitely stinks to have our plans set back when we would rather “do” than rest, but you’re right-there is still room for gratitude. Thanks again for sharing your words–it was both a refreshing but challenging read.

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