Re- feathering the empty nest- facing the anxiety with grace

Re- feathering the empty nest- facing the anxiety with grace

Intrigued, I looked outside right in time to see the nest of baby birds were preparing to fly solo. The mama bird stood nearby instructing them,  keeping her gaze steady.

She is there to protect and guide, but I bet she doesn’t waste time fretting about letting go.

Not like me ,  I sat envious at her ability to just do what was natural. Teach and release.

My girls flew away this week also. As they prepared to leave the nest, I too instructed, cautious words meant to protect.

They were going to switch planes for the first time alone in an unfamiliar airport.

Last year they weren’t ready for this kind of responsibility; this year it didn’t faze them.

Just like the birds we’ve been watching, my babies have grown up quickly.

Their legs might be wobbly as they enter young adulthood, but their wings are strong and capable.

Philippians 4:6-7  Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


baby robin first day out of the nest



What are the symptoms of empty nest syndrome?

Anxiety. Excitement. All the feels. Questions.

How do we let go of our kids? It’s easier for them. This mama struggled, conflicted.

It wasn’t sadness that they were leaving, I was overjoyed they were able to take this trip.

It wasn’t fear of danger, I felt peace.

It was the realization that their being “ready”  for life seems to have come so quickly.

While my mama’s heart knew it is a process of letting go, I was distinctly aware of their complete focus on the trip. Confident young ladies, optimistic that things would go just as planned.

Their hearts were devoted to the next thing, not giving care to what they were leaving behind.

Is this what it is like for God? Watching His children forge ahead, aware of the security they leave as they step away from in His embrace?

Yet, He…we… let go.


Embracing God’s example

Reassured, we understand the importance of letting the child experience. Watching with fascination as they journey, prepared with open arms for their return.

Always, unconditionally. (read where I am today after a few years out… here and here)

His example is a perfect one for this mama.

Letting go helps us to to live in a more peaceful state of mind and helps restore our balance. It allows others to be responsible for themselves and for us to take our hands off situations that do not belong to us. This frees us from unnecessary stress- —Melody Beattie

I love watching them fly, delight in their soaring experiences, and relish them returning to the nest. Safe, for another night under the shelter of my wings.

While I rest under His.



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  1. Oh, Christa, this was my favorite article of yours yet! Written beautifully! It literally brought tears from my eyes! I, too, was lucky enough to witness the beginning of life in our birdhouse this year. Seems like I was more touched by it than Chase, but maybe that’s because I, too, understand that it goes by too quickly. Wasn’t it just 3 weeks ago that the eggs hatched? Our little ones are only under our wings for such a short time. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful perspective. I love you!

  2. Love this perspective. How do our children grow up so quickly? And….I am so glad that we have a God who loves us enough to allow us to learn from our mistakes…..YET, weeps when we do. Thanks for sharing this, Christa. 😉

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