Ignore Hustle Culture and Celebrate Silence

Ignore Hustle Culture


Ignore Hustle Culture and Celebrate Silence

Quiet can be hard to come by this time of year.  I’m thinking of how I should be writing. It’s been too long.  Of the to-do list that is growing instead of decreasing.

 Some people thrive in hustle. I wither without margin. 

So I stop to read a book on creativity. But after a few minutes, I realize I am alone in the house. And I listen.

I hear things. A clock ticking, TICK tock. An occasional car zooms by the open window past our yard. High-pitched children’s laughter comes in intervals from the neighbor.

The hum of the fridge kicking on and off.  Insistent purring reminding of the impending dinner hour.

My own breathing. I am relishing the sound. It reminds me that I am giving my body a break, the simple act of hearing it means I am stopping to listen.


hustle culture quotes

The effects of hustle culture on our body

My body needs this break. I’ve felt unwell for weeks, a virus irritating and frustrating my being. Invisible to the outside world, invasive to the inside of me.

This rest, this stopping of action, tingles into my fingertips. They stretch with gratitude. It’s as if I can feel the recovery of cells happening as I snuggle into the couch.

Peace edges in and crowds out the endless flow of other information. The mental highway stuck in rush hour.

What haircut should I get tomorrow, I need to make a new schedule for the week, I hope the veggies haven’t gone bad in the fridge already (again), I really should return the email someone sent me in February.

Small, random things. So trivial, yet distracting.


Hustle culture is toxic

With some effort, those things are pushed out and the silence surrounds me with comfort.

Notice all the “I’s” in those thoughts? Even though so much of my energy goes toward others, the source is based on the faulty idea that we can keep going without recharging.

Without spending time with my Lord who reminds me that that “grace” has no “I”.

Tonight? I’m planning a whole evening to celebrate silence.

Doing those restorative things that get pushed to the side— A pedicure, reading a book. I’ll anticipate the soft light in my bedroom with its strand of twinkly Christmas lights, and the old chair that has been dragged through 7 moves.

I am going to read Flow magazine and breathe deep with gratitude that my girls are both home safe in their rooms sleeping. I’ll pray for my husband, as he travels again. And again.

And as the evening celebration wraps up, I’ll thank God. For another reminder.

That silence can be a gift.


hustle culture quotes

Let go of unfulfilling hustle culture for the sake of peace

Do you consistently take time to find restoration? Easier said than done. What is the one thing that is small, but has a big impact in refreshing your spirit?

Would you do me a favor? If you enjoy this piece, please share with a friend. Word of mouth means so much! Someone else might need a gentle reminder to stop and savor the silence. Thank you ♥



Anti-hustle culture resources

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